It is quite uncommon to come across a product that has therapeutic potential on a global scale, but at the same time provides a unique marketing challenge for responding to that demand. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is an often talked about component of the cannabis plant that is used around the world for improving personal wellness.
The interest in CBD is so high that it’s even made its way into the pet food market and has been the inspiration of countless lines of healthy treats. You’d think that with all of this positive publicity getting the word out about CBD would be simple; however, there are obstacles to overcome in order to have a successful campaign. With a unique mindset and fresh approach, marketing CBD can be successful in today’s world.
Why CBD is one of the most talked-about cannabinoids globally
While cannabis has a multitude of complex components and chemicals, there are few that are talked about as much as CBD. Found in all cannabis plants (though higher concentrations are found in the ruderalis variety), CBD is sought after for its health and wellness effects on the human body. The main draw is that there are no psychoactive properties in it, as opposed to Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is associated with getting “high.” Consumers are always looking for all-natural alternatives to synthetic medicine, and thus, the CBD industry was born. Cannabis itself is legal in many parts of the world but is still highly regulated for production, distribution, and marketing.
As CBD products become even more sought after, advertisers are going to have to get more creative when marketing their products. Luckily there are some tools and methods to help determine what your best approach is when getting the word out about your CBD products.
Building a notable brand takes some out-of-the-box thinking
Your brand is a vital component of your marketing of CBD products as it’s what makes you stand out among others trying to promote theirs. It should be one of the first foundations to be established before you even start thinking about the marketing side.
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) results from good branding as it drives customers to complete a goal you have on your website. For example, you could have a survey on your website asking visitors if they would be interested in trying CBD and then use that data to track the different demographics. This information gives you the power to improve your branding through targeted communications.
Consumers also love learning about the products they are using, which means you have an opportunity to educate and create trust with your brand. Content-related videos are an excellent example of using education to drive customers to your website. One video idea could talk about the therapeutic effects of CBD, while another could talk about how CBD affects the endocannabinoid system within all of our bodies. If your brand gains trust, then people will look to you before others.
You really need to get to know your customers, both new and returning
Obtaining new customers is the ultimate goal of any marketing campaign. Customers have already figured out that CBD has some incredible potential and are actively incorporating it into their lives. This is where the importance of surveying your potential base to find out what will encourage them to go to your website over others. The more information you have, the better prepared you will be when marketing CBD.
Important things you want to find out through surveys:
- What are your customers looking for in a CBD product?
- What niche will you be most effective in?
- How can you benefit your customers in a way that keeps them coming back?
CBD marketing doesn’t stop once you’ve converted your customer to your brand. Surveys are important for your current customer base as they will always give you an accurate representation of how your marketing is working. Customer retention is one of the best ways to attract new customers to your brand. Referral programs, customer testimonials, and email newsletters are a few of the approaches you can use to leverage your existing client base while expanding it simultaneously.
Use social media in clever ways with the power of influencers
Sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are generally effective at marketing; however, CBD marketing has been limited in those platforms. However, With the strategies developed by Openmind, it has been possible to run campaigns on those platforms successfully those platforms.
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Influencer marketing is a great way to get visibility on social media platforms without dealing with the restrictions. Utilizing influencers from those platforms will get the attention your brand needs to attract customers.
CBD marketers often use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as it usually gives solid results with proper execution while maintaining low costs. This involves using specific keywords that people would search for and that get your information or product front and center. However, be aware of any keywords that you are using as there are restrictions in many places. For example, in the US, certain keywords will be flagged as health marketing if the FDA ever investigates such claims.
Marketing CBD is a combination of many things
Using a combination of methods and tools will ensure that you have the most success with your CBD marketing plans. Whether you’re hitting obstacles, or are having a difficult time finding your niche, then maybe it’s time to get help from the experts. If you want to learn more about overcoming CBD marketing challenges, then we can help you.
Book a free strategic session with us at the link below: